I am pleased with the feedback I’ve received from Understanding MMS: Conversations with Jim Humble. Yes Rett (healthsalon.org), there will be more documentaries, on this and other subjects.
I have finally caught up with the backlog of advance orders, although new ones are coming in.
It has been gratifying and humbling to see where these DVDs are going. Perhaps as an indication of how small an operation I have presently, I address every one. I research each address, particularly to foreign countries, to ensure that they get to their destination.
One customer in Texas who ordered two was dismayed when her package only had one in it. I sent her two, but someone had opened it and taken one.
I sent a replacement.
One town in Slovenia had only 3,000 residents.
While I haven’t done an actual count, orders have come from most of the provinces of Canada, most of the states in the US, including Alaska and Hawaii — California, Texas, Washington state, Florida and Colorado being the top five with the most, but ALL regions are represented.
This is the next step in bringing the importance of internal toxicity reduction to the world’s attention, and introducing chlorine dioxide as a safe, viable, non-toxic, and affordable way to do it. This is not to invalidate anything else that is already viable. There are some things that only an oxidizer will do effectively, and among oxidizers, there are some things that only chlorine dioxide does.
Today I am in Sedona, Arizona, 100 or so miles north of Phoenix, to attend a workshop presented by Gregg Braden, author of The Isaiah Effect, The God Code, and The Divine Matrix, Bridging Time, Space, Miracles and Belief. The above looks outside the patio of my “suite” at A Sunset Chateau. I must offer a comment. This place is sweet! Sunset will be even more dramatic.
Back to Gregg Braden, I’ve read, and really enjoyed The Divine Matrix. I did not make arrangements early enough to do an interview with him for my radio show, Talk for Food, but after meeting him last night (where he gave a 3-hour presentation), it will happen, most likely in April.
I didn’t attend his presentation last night because I had a great interview with Peggy Phoenix Dubro, originator of an energetic healing modality called EMF Balancing Technique. Since its inception in the late 1980’s working out of her kitchen and doing daycare to support herself and her two children, she has built and refined a practice that has distinguished itself enough by its results, to spread to 68 countries.
From that humble and inspired beginning, she and her husband Stephen have built the practice into one that is changing lives in positive ways around the world. They had just returned home from a 5-week speaking/teaching trip in Brazil.
In one country, EMF Balancing Technique treatments are covered in health insurance policies.
It was a great dialogue, and will be online in two weeks. My upcoming guest on Talk for Food is Thomas Smith, author of Insulin: Our Silent Killer, who declined his physician’s plan for him to “live with” diabetes, did his own research, and then successfully reversed the condition. It is online now. Click here to listen.
It’s also the weekend of the Sedona International Film Festival.
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What are the effects of mms on the brain? I read that it could deplete protein but I wanted to hear your insight as it pertains to this. Does it reduce or deplete anything when ingested as related to the brain? Does it help the brain and in what way? I have been taking MMS for about a week and up to 4 drops twice per day and will increase to 5 in a few days as I have had no ill effects. I will prob. get up to 6 drops twice per day as I’m healthy and that should be enough to kill anything if something is there to be killed. Thanks for what you do and for sharing this information to the online and offline world.
I bought for my daughter, a victim of ortodox medicine , and nou everybody in my family are using and we feel great.I had a cough ( dry ) for 30 years. IT”S GONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My daughter is taking via bathtub, 45 drops x 2 times a day.
She is alive and well. After one week start be a women again, doing shopping a full day with no problems.
Before use to stay in ER every week for infections.
This product, MMS is part of our life.
The Bozos complainig thet they dont hacve statistics, I’ll show my longer finger. Saved my daugther and that’s the best statistic.
Chemoterapy , for cancer , has a death rate of 96 %, Bozo !
Why don’t have any complains overthere ? Did you asked for….statistics ?
MMS works great and i love it !
yes it can … try 9 or 10 drops to 45 or 50 citric acid wait 3 mins and pour 1/2 glass. Brush and gargle twice a day. Should do the trick plus make your teeth brighter
so how do explain all the positive feedback the product produces Bad ass cl02
Can you tell me whether chlorine dioxide can be used to treat bad breath
ClO2- + H+ –> ClO2 (which is stabilized radical)–> ClO2- and ClO3-
Science done, idiots, no double blind trials occurring, meaning that chlorite and chlorate are potential byproducts, sensitivity to pH and pe!
Doh! The blind leading the blind!
No “toxins” are free from your body, just oxidized, similar to a liver….
Again people not understanding chemistry and really relying on psychology!
You are a bad chemist
Working great foe me and saved my daughter life, Bozo!
Try to be smart ASSS with Chemoterapy. the one who kills 96 % of people !
Do some chemistry overthere !
Less clients for a failing medical system ?
Chemist , my fat ass !
Hi Adam.
I was reading very valuable information about MMS,written by Walter Last, about how to use MMS properly, and for swine flu. And how to integrate oxidants and antioxidants.He wrote many articles on MMS and health,you could read some of his articles on his web site,on HEALTH-SCIENCE-SPIRIT.
I think he did a lot of research on MMS, and health, and it would be very valuable, if you could have a long interview with him. His protocols for MMS is about the same as Jim’s, but, with a lot of additional and important information.
But maybe you read some of his articles,or books.
A very long article by Walter Last on MMS is on the web site NEXUS.
Hi, we have always taken 15 drops–none of that sissy stuff. However, my son has been battling a cold/sore throat that moved to his chest, and glands swollen. Twenty-five drops up to 3 times a day and nothing. I switched him over to heavy doses of Vitamin C and Zinc, etc. He’s getting better. What’s up? Me, I felt the sore throat coming on and dosed twice an hour apart with 25 drops, and it was gone. But didn’t work on my son. Any thoughts? Thanks.
Hi Dana,
The only thing that comes to me is that sometimes, “less is more.” The science of homeopathy was founded on that principle. More drops of MMS also meant more acid. Less may have meant more available oxygen to do what was needed. The body needs balance, not a counter attack.
Glad everyone is doing better.
Thank you. Yes, I have used homeopathy for decades–or used to, but I didn’t think of it relative to MMS because of the MMS protocols which direct you to gradually increase drops, as opposed to homeopathy, where less is more, as you say. The protocols throw me off from the possibility that we could block off necessary oxygen by using too much. MMS seemed to be a “zap it” remedy, as opposed to a “rest and be patient” remedy. But duly noted, and we’ll try less next time. Thanks for getting back with me so quickly! And thanks for doing all you do!
Best regards,
I have been doing a lot of research with regards to MMS and the one major problem is the transport medium and the limiting factor is the nausea. Have you considered using DMSO as a transport agent? This can take the MMS transdermaly instead of orally as well as having the benefit that DMSO can take the MMS to places where before you can not cross the “tissue barriers” (lyme disease)
At present I am treating my 10 year old siberian husky with MMS and DMSO, she has vaginal sarcoma. I will keep you informed how it goes.
Just a foot note, DMSO can carry almost any chemical you mix with it through the skin so if you are not versed in it I do not suggest you even consider using it as you could end up poisoning your self.
Thanks Lee for your input. There’s been quite a bit of DMSO use with MMS. Do a search on the “Overnight Cure for Cancer.” I believe Jim Humble has written his own variations of DMSO use with MMS on his http://www.jimhumble.biz site.
Best wishes in your journey.
Hi Nada,
I don’t sell anything. I’m a hard-nosed scientist and engineer.
I do take MMS daily and have had some of the side effects that you mentioned, but the side effects passed. However the positive effects I felt quite early on and persist.
In my case, I was lucky that I could measure progress quite effectively by simply observing how quickly my yeast infections would disappear. When I stop taking it and go back to eating junk food, my skin problems come back.
I admit that I haven’t been using it as directed because I wanted to prove to myself that it worked. By tinkering with the doses and observing my body’s reaction to it, I’ve observed enough to conclude that it works quite well.
Now I don’t care that you don’t believe in it. It seems to me that you’ve already made up your mind. For all I know, you could be selling the other medicines that you say you know and trust. I don’t care and don’t feel the need to convince you, I just want this product to persist so that I can keep buying it and using it for myself.
Why is it that everyone who has anything good to say about MMS and is quick to defend it is making money off of it, and everyone who is taking it has complaints? I have also been using MMS as recommended and have experienced the same side effects as everyone else… nausea, gas, itchy rash… I don’t feel healthier. I feel like I’m being ripped off and putting my health at risk. No more snake oil for me… I’m going back to using the natural medicines I know and trust.
What, if any, are the advantages of using chlorine dioxide versus 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide? H2O2 is natural to the body and ClO2 is not, nor is chlorite,
so the body has inbuilt ways of dealing with H2O2 up to a point and also produces it
H2O2 may also have effects that ClO2 does not beyond it’s pathogen killing ability
though it’s hard to say what other effects ClO2 and chlorite have without research.
Jim Humble simply increased the concentration of sodium chlorite from below 5%, in products called stabilised oxygen, to 28% and recommended higher doses plus activation with an acid to release chlorine dioxide before ingestion.
Chlorine dioxide does have a unique oxidizing ability due to it’s chemistry but that doesn’t make it safe.
As a gas, ie when not dissolved in water, it can be particularly harmful to the lungs, so it’s not as safe as Jim Humble claims, in fact some MMS sites have been suggesting inhalation which is very irresponsible.
At high enough levels it can damage cells but it has been shown to be very effective at killing a wide variety of single celled organisms and viruses at much lower levels than other oxidants so making it safer at least when in dilution.
Hi Tom,
In my documentary on MMS, Jim Humble described chlorine dioxide as a weaker oxidizer than hydrogen peroxide, which can easily be corroborated by a simple Google search. While the body doesn’t produce chlorine dioxide, it offers great assistance due to the fact that it only acts on acidic contaminants and microorganism that it encounters, unlike hydrogen peroxide, which may also impact aerobic cells and microorganisms.
You’re right about what Jim did, relative to developing the protocol we now know as MMS. To me, the most significant factor is that he called attention to this MAJOR pathogen reduction medium that could do so much for humankind, essentially hiding in plain sight. Although it had been available in lower concentrations for years, chlorine dioxide wasn’t being THOUGHT OF in the way that it is now, and certainly not used. At 22.4% effective concentration, MMS is packaged with more sodium chlorite, but priced less than most other water purification products, and is now potent enough to be applied to some major pollution conditions within the human ecosystem.
The question of not being as “safe as Jim Humble claims” seems moot since it is not suggested to be used except as dissolved in water or liquid. In fact, my understanding was that chlorine dioxide only exists in solution, and cannot be airborne. The actual “danger” may be with chlorine gas, which would smell the same.
I’ll add an AMEN to your conclusions, and add that nutrition and hydration are as important to this process. MMS is not really a “natural” approach, but it is an effective and safe (when used as recommended) chemical approach to be used for disinfecting the body’s internal waters. Hydration and mineral replenishment are essential, and could reduce toxicity on their own. However, chlorine dioxide offers a great assist to this process.
Best wishes,
Hi Adam, thanks for replying but I’m still not clear on the concepts. Particularly, I would consider rapid aging and cancer as “bad”; and killing parasites as “good.”
I’m just wondering what the deal is with free-radicals, how they damage cells via oxidation. And how, MMS oxydizes parasites and hence kills them. If free-radicals and MMS do the same thing, then why not eat fat steaks instead of taking MMS. Or would MMS contribute to fast aging as free radicals do?
This surely doesn’t add up to me–I must be missing something.
I just realized as I’m writing this that I’ve been using two words interchangebly: oxid-A-tion and oxyd-IZA-tion. If those are separate processes then that would explain my confusion.
However I’m crystal clear on the effects and worth of MMS.
I did have some severe reactions though, I felt like I was dying for a while. The better opinion is that I should have gone into it gradually… but after 2 weeks (of not-so-good times) I feel like a kid again.
My candida is gone.
I no longer lack energy.
I require less sleep–wake up earlier and easier.
I think quicker, clearer, sharper at work.
I lost a few kilograms.
I’m thankful I found this product. I haven’t seen your documentary, but I’ll look it up.
I have a question I’m hoping someone can answer.
According to Jim Humble’s book MMS is an oxydizer and that the benefits come from oxydization.
However, what’s with all the hype around anti-oxidants? The claim is that oxydation by free-radicals is the cause of rapid aging and cancer.
Which is it? Is oxydation good or bad?
I’m no expert on oxidation, but I don’t think the terms “good” or “bad” applies. Oxidation is simply a method that one element can use to nullify another. In my documentary on MMS, Dr. Humiston explains that there are certain passageways in the lungs that will oxidize spores on contact with hydrogen peroxide! Oxidation is characterized by an exchange in electrons, from one entity to another, which effectively brings about a change in state of both, and perhaps something larger, such as the human host.
Best wishes,
Chlorine Dioxide is clearly a safe and healthful way to disinfect water. I’m helping my town choose a Chlorine Dioxide water treatment system to replace the old “free Chlorine” one. Of course, chlorite and chlorate byproducts of disinfection will have to be monitored. There are levels that apparently can start to effect blood cells. Now, though, people won’t have to deal with free Chlorine’s smell, 7-9 carcinogenic compounds, bromates, eye irritation, or the now-proven increased hardening of the arteries.
The blood stream is our personal water delivery system. Chlorine Dioxide is non-toxic, and more importantly, does not combine with or add to other substances to become a toxin or irritant. It’s an anti-toxin if you dilute it properly and consume it responsibly. I would like to be able to monitor the chlorite and chlorate production personally like we can for the town water supply.
Listen to your own body’s response to Chlorine Dioxide. Back off if the reaction is too unpleasant. We don’t like to even think about it, but years and years of toxic build-up in our systems is going to put us through HELL as it’s forced out by Chlorine Dioxide. Take it easy.
Chad, also be advised that MMS will result in the Herxheimer Reaction (detoxification) of the body due to killed off pathogens.
I have heard of your symptoms from people either not following the instructions or are using something that is interfering with MMS.
Chad and Raven Crow,
You mention harsh symptoms after using MMS but you have not mentioned how you are making or using the MMS. What dosage are you using? What are you mixing it with? Are you drinking it? Do you have a full meal immediately before or after taking MMS? Do you consume alcohol or smoke or “something else”? Please describe your particulars.
You realize that Wikipedia can be edited by anyone? I could go and edit Wikipedia right now if I wanted to. What you cannot do is take Jim Humble’s book and DVD and modify them.
If you did the proper research on MMS you would know for a fact that taken at the correct recommended application it is incapable of causing harm to the human body.
chad hit me up on ravencrowz@hotmail.com
i have a similar symptom please help…
I took mms as prescribed. starting with one drop and working up to 15 drops, except i did not make it that far. i was getting way to sick. i developed rashes all over my body, and i am still getting the rash, almost 1 month after i stopped taking mms. I am also noticing uncomfortable pressure in my chest, and occasional rapid heart beat…all since taking mms. Maybe there is something else wrong with me, but it seems interesting that i did not have any of these problems prior to taking mms. Then i read about all the information about the toxic affects of chlorine dioxide on wikpedia. boy i feel like an idiot.
First of all, the first word in the segment you cited is “acute.” That word sets the context of everything else that is said.
That context includes municipal, industrial, and commercial application levels which involve exposure to, and contact with much greater amounts (and concentrations) of sodium chlorite and chlorine dioxide than with MMS, which involves a small number of drops at a time.
By way of analogy, we can’t live without sunlight, but if we were on the surface of Mercury, or even without the atmospheric shield that surrounds Earth, we couldn’t live with it. So whether the is dangerous or beneficial depends on context, and one’s perspective.
The most convincing evidence that MMS/chlorine is not harming the people who are using it, is that they consistently, independently, and predominantly show IMPROVEMENT in their condition after and with use. These people don’t know each other. They’re not talking to each other and making up stories. They’re simply showing the courage to use their own intelligence, and not give into fear of someone else’s DISAPPROVAL… someone who doesn’t have to deal with what they’re dealing with.
It’s amazing to me how people will ignore or dismiss such a preponderance of success for the lack of a “double-blind” study. What is happening is far more telling than a double blind study, because every person using MMS is unaware of any other person’s experience, situation, or protocol.
We are so ready to challenge the potential harm that chlorine dioxide may cause, and ignore that REAL HARM that toxicity, pathogens, and parasites ARE causing to our health. Even when people all around them are getting better, skeptics, who haven’t researched a thing and don’t have an intelligent opinion of their own, rush in to proclaim that it isn’t so, or that some feared axe is going to fall.
If you’re really concerned about what does harm to the human body, then take a close look at what’s in the foods you ingest, the water you drink, and the air your breathe every minute of every day. Then see how chlorine dioxide reacts to them, which are the real threats to your health.
You’re free to believe what you want, and call it what you want. The one part of your statement that is correct, is that it IS science. It’s simple chemistry, and VERY scientific. What you’re snubbing your nose at is that someone in a lab coat didn’t give it their blessings.
In the meantime, people with lab coats are starting to use it themselves, as well as people whose bodies are toxic and overrun with microorganisms and parasites to the extent that they no longer function properly.
Keep relying on the science that you’re familiar with… that is, until it fails you and discomfort leads you to consider something that may actually work for you. I don’t care if it’s MMS, but when your mind is finally open, you’ll remember the day you called it voodoo.
>You won’t find your answers here, not honestly anyway.
If you don’t police your own disrespectful comments, then I will. I may not agree with your point of view, but I’ve never accused you of being dishonest. And if you don’t afford me the same respect, then your comments won’t be published on this site. Simple as that.
For Bob,
Hi Bob, firstly don’t let me deter you from using MMS, just do it safely. Come on Bob, why do you think there are very little human trial information.
BECAUSE IT HAS NO APPROVALS, and never will have. ClO2 is an unstable Gas in liquid and can not be controlled.
Don’t tell them Bob, but I giggle when people complain of early activation with MMS while still in the bottle. AND HELL, IF THEY ARE NOT PET BOTTLES TO BOOT! AND CLEAR WITH GREEN TINGE. Come on Bob you have to laugh, oh why?
You won’t find your answers here, not honestly anyway.
Have you ever heard of double blind clinical trial?
When I’ll see one for MMS I’ll believe in it!
Other wise.. it’s just voodoo science…
Hi Adam,
I have been taking MMS for about three days now, in combination with antibiotics, for the treatment of Chronic Lyme Disease. The only side effects I’ve observed are feelings of nausea and headaches, which could be due to toxins released by the B. burgdorferi bacteria dying.
In the meantime, I’ve been trying to research any harmful health effects that could be caused by the consumption of chlorine dioxide. It seems that there is much documentation available that describes the chemical’s beneficial properties with regard to water treatment, but not much is available relating to studies on the effect it has on human physiology. Sure, there are lots of anecdotal reports, but there are no double blind, placebo controlled trials that I could find.
One web page I found, at http://www.lenntech.com/water-disinfection/disinfectants-chlorine-dioxide.htm
“Acute exposure of the skin to chlorine that originates from the decomposition of chlorine dioxide, causes irritations and burns. Eye exposure eyes to chlorine dioxide causes irritations, watering eyes and a blurry sight. Chlorine dioxide gas can be absorbed by the skin, where it damages tissue and blood cells. Inhalation of chlorine dioxide gas causes coughing, a sore throat, severe headaches, lung oedema and bronchio spasma. The symptoms can begin to show long after the exposure has taken place and can remain for a long time. Chronical exposure to chlorine dioxide causes bronchitis. The health standard for chlorine dioxide is 0,1 ppm.”
Do you have an explanation as to how MMS (28% sodium chlorite solution), which when activated contains chlorine dioxide has no negative impact on human physiology?
Below is the EDITED version of the CHLORINE DIOXIDE SUMMARY recomended above by this site
Below is the unedited version
And here is one they should add.
Here are some additional resources:
64 Hazardous Substances Overview and Resources http://art-metal.ca/hazardous-substances-overview/
Additionally you can find more resources here:
Hazardous chemicals – Safe Work Australia http://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/sites/swa/whs-information/hazardous-chemicals/pages/hazardous-chemicals-other-substances
Working with substances hazardous to health http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg136.pdf
Looks like more than one Bruce here as that last post is not mine while the rest on this page are.
Bruce J.
Hi Adam, Thanks for taking my call recently, Ananda on curezone posted exactly the response required.
Regards Bruce.
Thanks Adam and Bruce for responses. I dont feel attacked, but others can be. Most important was a response, that I am very happy for. I know also understand that amalgam can cause difficult problems (I dont have much but anyway I think it causes problems).
I have now only 8-12 drops MMS in daytime, because the nausea is getting worse. Maybe the MMS has found more enemies now
Have science shown anything with MMS in longtime use, ex taking MMS daily for years??
Science has shown conclusively that sodium chlorite and chlorine dioxide are toxic above certain levels.
Documentation of this toxicity is easy, just do a google search adding “toxic levels” or “toxicity” to the terms.
And what’s up with attacking people personally who are only questioning your information and not you? Where is the love in that?
Meanwhile, check out this link….
Greetings Ali,
If you have used MMS for just 2 weeks, and are at 15 drops, twice a day, you have precious little experience to be suggesting that the drops are poison. If you understood what you read, you’d know that the nauseous feeling occurs if, and only if, pathogens are encountered by the chlorine dioxide molecules, and have been oxidized.
You’d know that feelings of nausea, and even diarrhea and herxhimers effect, are part of the release process, as the body unloads toxins that have accumulated in the body.
I have spoken to too many people directly, who have gone the the nausea, diarrhea, and even vomiting using MMS, and come out the other side feeling energized, and in better physical, plus mental health. Now friends are seeing their success and have mustered the courage to take their own journey back to toxicity freedom.
Science has shown conclusively that sodium chlorite and chlorine dioxide are not poisons. Your suggestion that it might be only reveals your own naivety.
Best wishes, Adam…
I have used MMS for two weeks now. Taking 15 drops MMS twice a day. I’m feeling little nauseous during the days. I have read Jim Humble book and believe it is something good. But maybe it is not soo good, I am not sure yet. I think I’m quite healthy but anyway I feel nauseous when taking the drops, strange or maybe the drops itself are a poison.
Warm greetings from Sweden, ali
Adam, thanks for the reply and if I may respond to your reply, you did not answer my first question, you went off on a different track. As to #2, if you read the linked article carefully it has this to say….”The chlorates and chlorites that form during disinfection are especially toxic to children. Infants’ and young children’s blood cells are relatively easily damaged by these substances, resulting in a reduced ability to transport oxygen throughout the body.” I don’t read that as saying the issue is limited to jaundice or children and more searching will show that the toxicity of these by products have not been well studied, meaning they could be benign or they could be toxic. That means a question regarding toxicity exists, one I am trying to see if answers exist. As to my looking for answers in the wrong place, that is your opinion that again diverts from my question regarding where I might find outside studies which is the place I asked about. Anecdotal reports and reports by people in support of chlorine dioxide are not outside studies and have potential bias issues. There are very well known issues with anecdotal reports in terms of questionable accuracy and verifiability. The car salesman selling Fords is always going to tell you Fords are best.
Same for chlorine dioxide promoters and supporters, they have already made up their minds and closed the conversation. At 60 years old and a very non-mainstream guy I have seen more that one miracle cure come and go that the people using them would swear by, I’ve even done it myself. The claims of cures that turned out not to be cures quite likely has a lot to do with the well documented placebo effect. You also seem to go on the defensive in your reply and I want you to know I am not attacking any claims made, only looking for more information. I know from my research that chlorine dioxide has a very impressive amount of documented and easily accessable information regarding uses as a broad spectrum antimicrobial disenfectant and safe exposure levels that the EPA has established are equally accessable. What I can’t find and was asking you for was where I can find that same caliber of information about chlorine dioxides use for treatment in humans?
My response to question 1: Jim Humble gave enough evidence in his book to satisfy me that he did what he described. If his protocol had not checked out scientifically, which it has done, and is doing, then it wouldn’t matter if he had claimed to help 10 people, or 1 million. If you can ignore the benefits that people are gaining at this very minute by reducing toxicity through using MMS, then nothing will convince you other than YOU going to Africa and talking to the Malawi government yourself. If you do, you can start by tracking down the people named in Jim’s book.
Response to question 2: If you read the article carefully, the ONLY adverse effect attributed to chlorine dioxide water disinfection was that of jaundice — which is not considered a disease — being more likely to occur in newborns if the water was drank during pregnancy. My son, who is now 30, was jaundiced at birth. To the best of my knowledge, the city of Chicago did not have chlorine dioxide municipal water treatment. He was placed in an incubator for a few hours, and that was the end of that. Given the subject of the article, you can bet the writer would have listed more potential problems if there were any. You insinuate that the other effects listed in the article apply to chlorine dioxide, when the author makes no suggestion that such byproducts are generated.
Comment on why you can find no outside studies on human consumption of chlorine dioxide for health purposes: You’re not looking for them. You are ignoring the ACTUAL BENEFITS that people are experiencing EVERY DAY and telling others about them. That’s worth studying, not with the intent to stop it, but to understanding how to help even more people achieve similar successes.
People are independently studying chlorine dioxide for themselves, and finding that reducing their toxic load is helping their health status. Their findings are exactly what you say you can’t find. You’re “looking for ‘love’ in all the wrong places.”
Doctors are beginning to learn about MMS and use it. There are some who are developing clinical trials for its internal use in medical situations. However, the dearth of published studies on its use is not an issue for anyone intelligent enough to understand what it does, and who has the courage to make a responsible health decision on their own.
It would be folly to use MMS without doing some homework and weighing the evidence before hand. But MILLIONS of people die from such a decision every day, when they take toxic prescriptions and consent to procedures meted out by their doctors. There are plenty of “studies” to support this claim, yet you’re concerned about the lack of “official” studies on MMS.
They will come, in part because of those who didn’t wait for external corroboration of what their own intelligent inquiry told them could be viable for them.
Hi Barbara,
It’s good to hear from you. I’m still Adam, but the only death that I will be responsible for is my own.
My guest is telling his story, giving his account of his experience, and describes medical facts as he understands them. Listeners will be able to corroborate or refute his statements and make up their own minds, for they are responsible for their own lives and health.
I have heard of others who went off insulin after resolving other systemic problems related to toxicity, who are living healthy lives once again. If I were diabetic and required regular insulin injections, I’d certainly want to be aware of such options.
The alternative to hearing another point of view is to believe that certain “diseases” are irreversible, leaving us needlessly dependent on synthetic pharmaceuticals for the rest of our lives. I am more concerned about perpetuating that myth.
Adam (still)
There is NO truth to hyperinsulinemia. If that myth continues, it could kill someone. Please don’t let that happen. I have seen more than one person stop taking insulin so they can end their life while they are on hospice. I can’t imagine that you would want to be responsible for even one death. Please tell me this isn’t the Adam I used to know.
A couple of MMS questions, the first, is there anywhere on the web that has posted independent verifification of Jim Humbles claims of all the malaria cures in Africa? The second is can you comment about the by products of chlorine dioxide including not only chloride, but chlorate and chlorite which are termed as “disinfectant by products” by a few sources such as this one…
and that these by products have possible health issues connected to their ingestion. Also can you comment concerning that I can find no outside studies concerning human consumption for health purposes? This concerns me as there are certainly endless mainstream studies of herbs, alternative and traditional treatments that do not support the commonly heard reply that the mainstream is not going to bother with anything it can’t patent or make a dollar on. Something that is not supported by the tobacco industry, unless they have a plant patent I am unaware of.